License Questions
Trial license questions
Can I evaluate Skipper for free?
Yes, you can try Skipper during 14-day period without any limitation. We don’t require any commitment or credit card from you.
Are there any limitations in trial version?
No, during the trial period you can try all functions and features. The only difference between trial and full version is in online license check during each start. Without internet connection you won’t be able to use Skipper trial version.
What if I didn’t manage to test Skipper properly during the trial period?
If you need more time to evaluate Skipper, send us an email to [email protected] with your extension request and we will extend your trial period with additional 7 days.
In this section, you will find various answers about our licensing policy (full license, trial license and maintenance terms).
Full license questions
What do I get by purchasing Skipper license?
You obtain license key which gives you the right to use Skipper for a lifetime. You also get 12-months of maintenance (free upgrades and technical support).
Do I need to reinstall the application to run full license?
You don’t need to reinstall the software. Just open the Application Settings and enter your license key into License Info and your current installation will be updated.
On how many computers can I activate my license key?
Each license can be used only by one user and can be activated on one computer.
How do I get multi-user license?
If you buy more than 1 license, you will get one license key which can be used for corresponding number of users.
What kind of technical support is available for Skipper?
You can contact us using our support forum or write us an email to [email protected]. The response time is usually less than 1 workday for common questions. More difficult problems can take more time depending on their complexity.
Can I suggest new feature?
Certainly! We appreciate all new ideas how to improve the application. Visit Feature Requests section in our support forum and vote for your suggestion or feel free to add a new one.
Viewer license questions
What is Skipper viewer?
The viewer allows you to open Skipper model any time you need and browse it without editing.
For whom is viewer available?
Viewer is available for all users with full license who have active maintenance.
How many viewer licenses can I activate?
There is no limitation in viewer activations, so viewer license can be activated as many times as needed.
Maintenance questions
What is a maintenance?
It is the 12-month period during which you have an access to application updates, software support and a viewer license. With active maintenance your queries on the support channels will have higher priority.
How long is the maintenance period?
When you purchase your Skipper license you also get 12-month maintenance for free. After this period you need to extend your maintenance for another 12 months by buying it on our purchase page.
What happens when my maintenance expires?
No new updates will be available to you and your questions on the support channels will be answered later than the questions from users with active maintenance. Also you will lose your access to the viewer license.
Is active maintenance necessary to use Skipper?
No. You can still use the versions released during your valid maintenance period.
Why shall I renew my maintenance?
As ORM frameworks are constantly evolving Skipper evolves with them. By renewing your maintenance you will get 12 month of further updates reflecting the changes in frameworks. Also you will be again able to use the viewer license.
When shall I renew my maintenance?
It is recommended to renew your maintenance within 3 months after the expiration so you would not miss any important update.
When does the maintenance period start?
The maintenance period starts with the day of purchase.