Laravel Eloquent Tips

Laravel Eloquent uses specific functions compared to most other frameworks. This article lists functions and features specific for Laravel Eloquent which can be easily used and managed by Skipper.

Defining namespace

Skipper fully supports namespaces in Laravel Eloquent projects. Each module and region in Skipper can have its own namespace. If you want to configure namespace, choose bundle and edit namespace property inside the ORM property editor.

Tip: Model class path is calculated from module export path and entity full namespace to comply PSR-4 standard.

Define Doctine2 namespace property in Skipper

Migrations export path

By default, migrations are exported to module_path\database\migrations. It is possible to change this path via migrations-path property in module property editor.

Define Laravel Eloquent definition file suffix for export in Skipper

How to disable export of migrations or model classes

In some cases you might need to disable export of migrations or model classes. You can do that for each module by setting migrations-disabled or models-disabled to true in module property editor.

Define Laravel Eloquent definition file suffix for export in Skipper