Hi everyone.
I just tried the attributes export, and here are my notes :
Options for column have dots instead of arrows, and option name should be in "" : options: [unsigned: true] instead of options: ["unsigned" => true]
Same for DiscriminatorMap, exemple :
1: "App\Entity\AdresseEmailContact",
2: "App\Entity\AdresseEmailEstimation",
3: "App\Entity\AdresseEmailFacturation"
When it should be arrows, like an array : 1 => "App\Entity\AdresseEmailContact"
For indexes, it seems that it's better to don't have it in the Orm\Table definition.
Example :
#[ORM\Table(name: "adresse_email_contact",
indexes: [ORM\Index(name: "IDX_EC25E562FADC9094", columns: ["depot_vente_id"])])]
When this is totally working fine :
#[Orm\Table(name: "adresse_email_contact")]
#[Orm\Index(columns: ["depot_vente_id"], name: "IDX_EC25E562FADC9094")]
Same with unique constraints.
Another point is, it seems onUpdate is missing in the doctrine option attributes, don't know why.
That's all for the moment !