After updating to a newer version I can't save or update anymore as both give error on file copy. I'm on version and I also tried manually downloading the latest version, but it has the same problems.
Saving fails when it tries to copy the project file to a .bak file and updating fails when it tries to copy platforms/ to a backup folder. Both give out same error message (only with different file paths):
*** Unhandled Atomix exception
*** Qt information:
Error <boost::exception> sending event 11QMouseEvent to object (11QToolButton)
*** Exception information:
axCore/axFileSystem/helpers/fileHelper.cpp(131): Throw in function static bool Atomix::CFileHelper::CopyFile(axPath, axPath)
Dynamic exception type: boost::wrapexcept<Atomix::CException>
std::exception::what: std::exception
exception_message: Can't copy file [/path/to/MyProject.skipper] to [/path/to/MyProject.skipper.bak]. Error: boost::filesystem::copy_file: Invalid argument: "/path/to/MyProject.skipper", "/path/to/MyProject.skipper.bak"
File permissions are not the issue, old version of Skipper worked fine with same files. Also, it does create the file it is trying to copy to, only it's left empty.
After Googling for the error message, found some discussion in another programs github issues about boost being "quite fragile, sensitive to quirks of platform dependence and various file systems" and there were talk about it not working on encrypted filesystem. I am on Linux and I have encrypted home folder, so I tried saving the project file outside my home directory and then it works without errors. Never had any problems with any other software regarding the encrypted home directory and I have been using it for many years, and even the old version of Skipper was working just fine. Hope you can fix this quickly, currently can't really use it at all as I can't save any changes.