ORM Designer, MVC: Symfony2, ORM: Doctrine2
Demo file: [obsolete link]
This is (part) of our real-world model in anonymized form. Try creating a many-to-many association between any entities in module "PulajiBuve" (e.g. "ZepubaHuno" and "KuvoKemaye") and call it "MyVeryLongNameToGenerateATableNameThatWillCauseAnOverlap" for effect. Then module "KohenoJigi" to the right of "PulajiBuve" will be moved to the right correctly, but "FekaloZuxu" will stay, causing an overlap. This is quite annoying in a big model.
I could not reproduce a minimal test case with only three small modules, I had only one occurrence I could not reproduce so this is the only way to reliably reproduce the problem.