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I put a float number at the grid view settings, and now the program is useless, it freezes. I'm using OS X El Capitan, is there a way to reset those settings?

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2 Answers

+1 vote
Best answer

This bug (app freze when grid settings is 0) is fixed in latest beta available on our support site: http://support.skipper18.com/402/downloads-skipper-beta

by Skipper developer (140k points)
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+1 vote

Hi, as first, thanks for bug report and sorry for this complication. We will try to replicate it and fix it.

To you question. Internal configuration files are stored based on os on following locations: https://help.skipper18.com/expert-usage/reference-manual/internal-configurations

In case of OSX it's necessary to remove all plist files (and to be sure whole directory)

~/Library/Preferences/com.inventic s.r.o.Skipper

and restart computer (or log out/log in) because of plist file cache in OSX.

by Skipper developer (140k points)

Ok, I'm able to replicate this issue here too, So expect fix for this bug in next release. In the meanwhile please delete mentioned plist file. Thanks

Ok, I looked into the plist file you said the option for the grid, set it to 0, so it be disabled, and tried again. And now it's working again. Thank you very much!!

No problem. Thank you for reporting this issue. Latest beta fixed this issue so resetting the app is no longer necessary