Latest ORM Designer 2 beta version is
Change log
- Panel visibility control from Ribbon doesn't work properly
- Fixed invalid project tree ordering
- Progress splash screen enhancement
- Storing window positions enhancement
- Fixed crash when closing ORM Designer with multiple projects opened
- Serializing theme flags (apply theme on child windows, apply theme on dock windows)
- Fixed size of "Save modified files" dialog in Linux
- Fixed filesystem paths migration from V1 to V2
- Refactorized file system path manipulation (platform dependent paths)
- Fixed migration of project name from V1 projects to V2
- New setting to display tab bar only when more than one tab is available
- New setting to hide welcome tab when another tab is available
- Doctrine2 new suffix mode
for generating file names without ".dcm" or ".xml"
- Fixed bug in default module background color
- Fixed tab focus ordering on all dialogs
- Enable tab-key on all plain-text widgets to change focus
- Draw grid lines by using dot-style instead of solid style
- Set association field types based on inverse side
- Fixed correct association field name generator when multiple columns with same name already available
- Fixed many to many association wizard for self-mn-association
- Configuration for many-to-many field type
- Fixed many-to-many wizard for self-reffering M2N associations
- Configurable naming convention for Doctrine, Doctrine2, Propel association fields
- Fixed default path in SaveFile dialog when choosing module storage path
- Fixed invalid relative export path. Export path is now relative to module path, not project root path. It's necessary to manually fix all old export paths!
- Removed field description from schema.yml export
- Refactorized Doctrine1 ManyToMany import/export mechanism. task
- Fixed migration of MN relations from V1 to V2 when association from MN table to E table has any ORM attribute (onDelete, onUpdate,....)
- Changed project tree search from case sensitive to case insensitive
- Many to Many association context menu fix
- Display save project popup when exiting app with modified project
- Key shortcut DEL and BACKSPACE to delete any object in model
- Fixed crash when removing entity with comples ORM properties
- New shortcut for SaveAs (Ctrl+Shift+S) and export ORM (Ctrl+Shift+E)
- New shortcut to close current model CTRL+W
- Fixed many-to-many association splitted flag serialization
- Remember diagram grid settings
- New interactive welcome screen
- Display modified flag when ORM Property was changed
- New shortcut to add field to current position in Entity editor (CTRL+INSERT)
- Don't add multiple empty fields when already existing empty field at the end of field list.
- Remove association owner field when removing association
- Fixed project migration from ORMD1 when v1 project contains duplicate Region names
- Fixed issue with duplicating file names in RecentFileList
- Fixed redrawing of association types in model when changed in edit dialog
- Fixed redrawing of association types in model when changed in edit dialog
- Fixed serializing fields in entities in correct order
- Fixed deploy to newer Ubuntu versions (12.10)
- Fixed deploy to Debian wheezy
- Refactorized association editor gui. Better aliases description
- Fixed issue with Unicode chars in text description on Linux
- Fixed issue with attaching existing ORM schema file
- Fixed issue "invalid relative path" when exporting/saving project
- Separated data and visual in project XML files
- Multifile project support
- Annotations - Don't add ?> mark to the end of updated PHP file
- Annotations - fixes based on user feedbacks
- Internal - each element in diagram has uuid
- Use relative paths inside ORMD project (external module path, export path)
- Attach existing ORMD module file to project
- Import new ORM schema file to existing ORMD project
- PDF Export
- Diagram draw optimization
- Fixed migration of module colors from ORMD v1 project to v2 defect
- Fixed migration of modules sizes and positions from v1 to v2 project
- Fixed migration of comment and region visual settings from v1 to v2
- New SaveAs dialog
- New HTTP-like license server protocol on port 80
- Enhanced support for SQLite in-memory database
- Upgraded SQLite to version (faster in-memory operations)
- Upgraded LibXml to 2.9.0
- Upgraded LibXslt to 1.1.27 (better transformation speed)
- Support MacOs scroll and zoom
- Annotations - Fixed crash when @Entity has empty ()
- Annotations - Fixed invalid import of many-to-many join column reference
- Fixed Windows32/64 installer - missing annotations .osc file - second release
- Fixed PropelORM support on Linux and MacOS
- Updated MacOS deploy script to correctly deploy App icon
- PropelORM support on all platforms
- Open .ormdes from MacOs doesn't work
- Application icon for macos / windows
- Fixed visual project size migration from old ORMD1 projects
- Can't change background color of module
- Fixed storage of comments location when inside of another region
- Bug in migrating model layout from ORMD1 projects
- Implemented migration of regions and comments from ORMD1 project
- Added missing serialization for comments
- Fixed load/save of regions and recursive child
- Also colors of regions and comments can't be changed
- App crash when click on checkbox "detect_relation" in ORM Property editor
- Bug in bool attribute type in ORM Property editor
- Small font on the license window (MacOs)
- Invalid spacing between checkboxes on project tree (MacOs)
- Fixed License dialog UI on Mac OS
- Fixed License windows resizing
- Fixed migration from ormd1 to ormd2 project with lot of many to many relations
- Move Ribbon QuickBar between Main button and tabs on Ubuntu and MacOS
- Many to Many wizard fix
- Display version of libraries in about window
- updated crash sender window size
- several internal fixes and optimalizations
- Doctrine2 XML/YML support
- Discriminator value for base entity (Load,Save,Import,Export).
- ManyToMany association ordering for owning/inverse side
- Bug in property editor when ORM structur refer to another structure
- Bug in many-to-many editor, app can crash
- Replace vcredist.exe from installer by including msvcp100.dll and msvcr100.dll
- Mouse cursor does not change when selecting "Inheritance","Association" or "ManyToMany" like in ORMD1 defect closed
- Closing a project by right-clicking on the tab would be great. defect closed
- Open project from command line sometimes crash defect closed
- "File" -> "Exit application" not working defect closed
- Unsaved changes will be discarded when exiting with close button (red X at top-right) - defect closed
- Missing "Save" question when closing project with modification defect closed
- Imported project is stored in temp without SaveAs question defect closed
- Same with Versionable and "children" defect closed
- When editing Timestampable relation, removing an "options" "value" from either created or updated leads to the hole behavior being deleted defect closed
- Fixed crash when deleting complex attribute structure defect closed
- New entity: Name is not selected for overwriting defect closed
- "Export to ORM" seems to not do anything (disconnected button from action) defect closed
- Fixed loading empty Timestampable (and any other) behavior for Doctrine1 defect closed
- ESC no longer close whole app when pressed on UnhandledException window enhancement closed
- Open multiple .ormdes project from command line at once defect closed
- Open .ormdes from Windows explorer doesn't work defect closed
- Removed debug console from release version of app defect closed