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I am getting this error:

Unknown exception
Can't find any element for attaching member access

Any idea what triggers this exception? I didn't change anything, and everything was working yesterday.


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nevermind, I figured it out.

The problem was with a non-english character in function definition in one of my entities. It's a typing error.


function getId(){ ..... was written as function getİd(){ .....

by (280 points)
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Thank you for reporting bug and also a reason. Could you send me ([email protected]) some short example with invalid character so we can fix it permanently?

Q:\Applications\OrmDesigner2\OrmDesigner2\axLibraries\axProgramParser2\ast\codeUpdaters\astUpdaterOptimize.cpp(78): Throw in function ProgramParser2::CAstUpdaterBase::TenmUpdaterResult __thiscall ProgramParser2::CAstUpdaterOptimize::OptimizeAstMemberModifier(class ProgramParser2::CAstHierachyElement &,class ProgramParser2::CAstElement &,class std::_List_iterator<class std::_List_val<class ProgramParser2::CAstElement *,class std::allocator<class ProgramParser2::CAstElement *> > >)
Dynamic exception type: struct Atomix::exception
std::exception::what: Unknown exception
Can't find any element for attaching member access

I think its a language issue with Turkish. I am having the exact same problem. Some characters are saved as İ (instead of I). canberkol prolly has a turkish os. My english mac doesnt have the same issue.

This really seems like an issue with transferring Turkish characters to xml. But I would need more info to test and fix this:

1) The same exact schema file causes the crash on the Turkish OS, but not on the English one?
2) Can you send me a schema file that causes the crash to [email protected]? With such file we can properly test it on our side.

You don't have to send file file from actual project, it can be some example that can be imported on the English OS but not on the Turkish one.

1) It does crash once there is a turkish character in the file. Whether its importing or exporting. For my case the error was caused when I generated setters and getters from my IDE which set Turkish containing setters and getters. Which causes an issue on ORM Designer.

2) I have sent you the file as an attachment.

 * @ORM\Id
 * @ORM\Column(type="integer", name="id")
 * @ORM\GeneratedValue(strategy="AUTO")
private $id;

 * @param mixed $id
public function setİd($id)
    $this->id = $id;

 * @return mixed
public function getİd()
    return $this->id;

Thank you for detailed description and sending test file. We will check it and let you know.