It's still on our todo list but with lower priority.
There are two reasons. The first one is that there isn't such interest in this feature as we initially expected.
The second one is that current Gedmo definitions format is very difficultly usable via Skipper. What would be necessary is to add second Gedmo definition format for Gedmo XML,YML and Annotation parser to support some kind of "compact" way how to define behaviors (simillar to Doctrine1 way) instead of the current form where each extension is defined on several places in the entity.
Originally we wanted to focus on that, introduce some kind of v2 Gedmo actAs format and implement it in Skipper too. But as I already wrote there was no larger interest in this feature so we focused on another ones.
On the other hand, in case that anyone would be able to help us with that, we will be more than happy to add Gedmo support to Skipper. We would need anyone who will help us with the Gedmo parser part and after that we will extend Skipper to support such definitions.
In exchange for this cooperation we can offer lifetime license+maintenance for maintainer of this extension for free together with some kind of promotion on our blog/site.