thanks for information. You're right that tablePrefix
attribute is missing in our configuration file (together with schema
Next version will contain fix for this issue. In the meanwhile please use following quick fix:
Please edit file Configuration/Propel.ormd2.cfg.xml
in your installation directory and add following lines:
<attribute name="schema" type="string" help-text="pecifies the default SQL schema containing the tables. Ignored on RDBMS not supporting database schemas"/>
<attribute name="tablePrefix" type="string" help-text="adds a prefix to all the SQL table names."/>
anywhere between line 30 and 38 (inside struct
element) :
<struct name="Module">
<attribute name="name" type="string" help-text="name which is exported to database element"/>
<attribute name="defaultIdMethod" type="enum" enum-values="native|none" help-text="default=`none`"/>
<attribute name="package" type="string" help-text="default=`project name`"/>
<attribute name="baseClass" type="string" help-text="default=``"/>
<attribute name="basePeer" type="string" help-text="default=`propel.util.BasePeer`"/>
<attribute name="defaultPhpNamingMethod" type="enum" help-text="default=`underscore`" enum-values="nochange|underscore|phpname"/>
<attribute name="heavyIndexing" type="bool" help-text="default=`false`"/>
<attribute name="namespace" type="string" help-text="Namespace for all entities in this module"/>
<attribute name="schema" type="string" help-text="pecifies the default SQL schema containing the tables. Ignored on RDBMS not supporting database schemas"/>
<attribute name="tablePrefix" type="string" help-text="adds a prefix to all the SQL table names."/>
<ordered name="behaviors" type="/Behaviors"/>
Please let me know if this fix resolve your problem.