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ORMD to (at least)

Editing properties of a module, namespace field: I am trying to type "Acme\DemoBundle..." but once I type the backslash (AltGr+ß on a German keyboard) the field loses focus. Tooltips are shown hovering over the ribbon like when just pressing Alt and no other key.
The same happens with Ctrl+Alt+ß.

in Solved by (3.6k points)
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Hello Jorn, we see the same issue here and we're currently in the discussion with ribbon component developer to solve this issue.

Latest version should contain fix for this issue (based on feedback from ribbon author). Could you please test it?

Nope, still there.

;-( I'm going to report it back.

Working now in! :)

Interesting ;-). There was no update in Ribbon component since version 681.

1 Answer

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Best answer

Implemented and working since version

by Skipper developer (74.8k points)