0 votes

We're still working on ORM Designer and its new features. Besides the new features we also have plans to add a support for new ORM frameworks.

Tell us which ORM Framework you would like to see in ORM Designer.

If you have useful links, documentation, examples or ideas about a new ORM framework, please post it here.

in General Questions by Skipper developer (140k points)
edited by

7 Answers

+3 votes

One of our short-term plan is to support Java JPA (Hibernate, OpenJPA, Oracle Toplink).

(This ORM comment or vote here)

by Skipper developer (140k points)
+1 vote

The second ORM which we would like to support is Ruby on Rails ORM.

(This ORM comment or vote here)

by Skipper developer (140k points)
+6 votes

The third plan is to support relatively young Laravel ORM.

(This ORM comment or vote here)

by Skipper developer (140k points)

Laravel 4 brought me here. Though relatively young, I am finding it worthwhile. While some of its near-similars are too rough-hewn and others have become less elegant.

Hi - Laravel ORM (Eloquent) support would be great. It's PHP so it's not as big a stretch for you guys as Java JPA. Laravel is gaining ground fast and this would be a wonderful addition.

  • Barry

Looking forward for Laravel ORM (Eloquent) support.
It will be huge time-saver for developing new and understanding existing Laravel projects.

It's nice to see such interest in Laravel ORM. We will check it and if it will be possible, we will try to implement it.

Eloquent support for Laravel is a good way to attract new users.

+6 votes

Phalcon ORM
SQLYog - Schema Designer

by (260 points)

Thanks for bringing up the Phalcon Framework.
Regarding the SQLYog I want to ask you for a little clarification. It is a design tool and I'm not quite sure what was your idea how we could support them.


The SQLYog has a schema designer much like MySQL Workbench take a peek at it :)

So you would like to see similar support as we have for MySQL Workbench? You wish to design your database using SQLYog, import it to ORM Designer, and edit it and export the definitions ready for your framework (Phalcon in your case).

Big +1 for Phalcon PHP ORM

And promised bonus points for Phalcon ORM: in case of tied vote, Phalcon wins.

I would definitely buy the tool if you support Phalcon...please do it !

+1 vote

Django ORM would be great. Also SQLAlchemy.

by (160 points)
0 votes

OpenObject for OpenERP (odoo) would be nice.

by (140 points)

We haven't heard about OpenObject and OpenERP till now. I checked the documentation but I didn't see any mention about ORM framework. Can you please send us more info together with links?

OpenERP (now called odoo) is an open-source ERP system. It uses it's own ORM framework called OpenObject. See the links in this forum post for more info. Thanks!

I checked the site more deeply and it seems like a closely focused project. In case odoo developers will have interest in this support, we will be happy to assist them with the support. Unfortunately we will not create support probably on our own in the near future.

0 votes

I would love to see support for TypeORM as for some of our next projects we aim to use NestJS.

by (140 points)

Hello, thank you for your suggestion. We're already supporting Knex framework, so I belive we should be able to create support for TypeORM too.

Would you be able to provide us some example projects with TypeORM, so we can check it more in detail?