+1 vote

Posibilitar validaciones básicas a los campos en tiempo de diseño.

  • NotBlank
  • Blank
  • NotNull
  • Email
  • URL
  • Length
  • so on...

Could be implemented from the property browser while the field remains selected.

in Feature Request by (170 points)
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2 Answers

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Best answer

Hi Catalos, thank you for suggestion. Unfortunately if I see correctly, this is not ORM dependent property.

ORM Designer can generate only schema.yml / .xml / annotations files. But link you sent points to validation.yml which isn't maintained by ORM but Symfony.

Maybe we add support for another MVC setting files in the future.

by Skipper developer (140k points)
selected by

I checked it more detailed and it seems that XML and Annotations format support validators directly in model definition files. So I suppose that example .yml is also schema definition file.

In this case it might be easier to implement such behavior. Unfortunately right now ORM Designer can export only limited set of annotations, so @Assert annotation would require more changes.

I marked this post as feature request. Unfortunately I can't guarantee when we implement it.

0 votes

It would be possible to add the @Assert via script file?

by (320 points)

at the moment ORM Designer supports only ORM dependent properties. Unfortunately, it is not possible to add @assert annotations to definition files in any way supported by ORM Designer.

Ok, I understand. I can always add it manually.
Thank you very much.