0 votes

Steps to reproduce
see https://www.dropbox.com/s/k1280enbubzwwuo/skipper-one-to-one-editor-bug.mov?dl=0
1. Create a new Skipper file
2. Create 2 Entities
3. Create 1 one-to-one relation
4. Save file
5. Close file
6. Re-open file
7. double-clic on relation
8. do not change anything
9. --> Cardinality is now "one-to-many"
10. Clic "Cancel"
11. --> User is prompted changes will be discarded (there are no changes

Version 1.0, build date/time (2021-09-07 22:38:43)
Skipper for mac 64-bit (73464)
Mac OS X 10.15.7

in Bug report by (170 points)

1 Answer

0 votes

Sorry for ultra-slow response but your question was marked as spam and we noticed it now.

This issue was already fixed in one of the latest versions.

by Skipper developer (140k points)