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I am using Skipper with my (company) PHP projects (Symfony) but lately we are developing more in Node.JS using Sequelize.

Is there any possibility to get generate/export functionality to create Sequelize models created from Skipper?


in Solved by (120 points)
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1 Answer

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Hello Pavol,

currently, there is no way how to export to any Node.JS framework.

We already considered this option but the problem is that there are hundreds of JS ORM frameworks and every month it's another framework which is "the one" ;-).

So we decided to wait if there will be one of them proved by a time and requested by more users.

by Skipper developer (140k points)

Hi Ludek,

So we decided to wait if there will be one of them proved by a time
and requested by more users.

Four years on, and Sequelize is working on its 7th release now and currently enjoys 1.3M downloads per week according to npm.

Meanwhile, Doctrine shows 3.5M over an entire month, according to packagist.

Perhaps now is a good time to revisit this request. I rarely develop in PHP now, so Skipper has little value for me with its current feature set.

Hello Pavol,

thank you for opening this discussing. We already implemented NodeJS framework Knex to Skipper but there was no high interest in it.

We wil check Sequelize how complicated would be to support it too. Thanks.