0 votes

There is, I think, a problem in the management of LifecycleCallbacks.
When importing my entity, @ORM \ HasLifecycleCallbacks, @PrePersist and @PreFlush annotations already present are not recognized.
If I add them in my entity, at each generation, the method is added again.
Thanks for your help.
Small precision, I tried with a new project and everything goes well
[Skipper Symfony4 Doctrine 2]

in Solved by (140 points)
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2 Answers

0 votes

Hi, it's probably caused by something wrong in the source code that Skipper doesn't recongize it as valid @ORM annotation

Can you please share your .php file together with .skipper file (it's sufficient with this single entity) so we can check it? Please send it to [email protected]


by Skipper developer (140k points)

it's done. thanks

0 votes

This bug is fixed in latest beta version available here:


by Skipper developer (140k points)