So I have this error. I am trying to update my doctrine schema in console but I get this error.
[Creation Error] The annotation @ORM\Column declared on property Programmes\Entity\Programmes::$id does not have a property named "unsigned". Available properties: name, type, length, precision, scale, unique, nullable, options, columnDefinition
So I read your tickets and found some solutions but they are not working for me. For one, my first of skipper that I downloaded 2 days ago as a trial does not have the blank values for unsigned attribute as was indicated implemented in the new release. So I attempted to add this to my custom template (that I found a solution to in another ticket):
<!-- put your templates here -->
<struct name="Field">
<struct name="options">
<attribute name="unsigned" type="bool"/>
But this is not getting picked up. I tried to edit the config file directory but I got access denied. So I have to work on my permissions with windows to attempt to get that worked out in the meantime, while I am waiting to get this ticket answered.
Is there anything else I can do? Is there a better custom template attribute to remove it?
When will this get fixed, I am on a trial of your software and I want to know before purchase. Also, when is symphony 3 be supported?