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There is an issue with some annotations in Entity class.

For example, i got a __clone() method in my Entity class.

Inside of this function, i have this code :

            /** @var MyEntity $item */
            foreach ($this->items as $item) {
                $item = clone $item;

When i export my entities in skipper, i don't know why but he changes it into :

        foreach ($this->actionFormationInformations as $item) {
            $trainingActionInformation = clone $item;
        }/** @var ActionformationInformations $item */

Can you see it cause it's really annoying, i have to delete or change those comments if i don't want to be in trouble...


in Solved by (350 points)
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Can you please send me (to [email protected]) example of php file and skipper file how to reproduce this issue? It's sufficient to send any dummy skipper project only with one entity how to reproduce this issue.

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