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ORM Designer2 was already released. Here is a list summarizing already implemented, waiting and abandoned features.


  • Native multiplatform support for Windows / Linux (Ubuntu) / MacOS
  • ORM Doctrine
  • ORM Doctrine2
  • ORM PropelPHP
  • Annotations support for Doctrine2
  • New property system (indexed/ordered/unordered structures, ordering behaviors,...)
  • New javascript base script support for imports/exports
  • New configuration system enable more customisations (Global/Orm/Mvc/Orm&Mvc/Project levels)
  • New configuration loader, each project can have different configuration
  • New template system for defining new project, primary fields, association fields, ...
  • PDF Export
  • Import from other sources like Workbench
  • and much more ;-)
  • Saving model to several xml.

    • Load/Save window state (size, position, skin, ...)
    • Main screen
    • Progress screen or progress widget in status bar
    • ORM CakePHP


  • Print support


  • Summary window (Is here anyone who ever use it? ;-))


  • To use annotations to implement Java Hibernate suport.

Do you miss some feature? Let us know! Create new question about this feature and let other users vote. Most popular requests will be implemented.

in Information by (1.1k points)
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1 Answer

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"To use annotations to implement Java Hibernate suport."

This would be a real kicker! We are currently in the process of evaluating a good Java framework for developing web applications using Hibernate as the ORM framework. If we could just continue using ORM Designer 2 with Hibernate, that would be awesome.

Afaik there is no good visual modelling tool for Hibernate.

by (1.1k points)
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Implementation of Hibernate or another annotation based ORM should be easy if we will have implemented annotation parser/writer which we need for Doctrine2 (because D2 is strongly inspired by Hibernate). I'm not sure when we will implement Hibernate support, but it's definitely in our priority list.