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FrameWork: ZF2
DB: DoctrineOrm2

I have been using MySqlWorkbench up until now. What I like about workbench is that I can update my DB structure from the application be it a local. staging or production db. Of course, the ability to update entities etc. in my application is not on the cards.

I am wondering how to do the same thing with skipper? Is it possible to manage a mysql database structure from skipper?


in Solved by (550 points)
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1 Answer

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Skipper doesn't offer such option. It's up to each ORM framework to create/update database structure based on it's own requirements. For Doctrine2 you can use doctrine tools to update DB from schema files.

Check for example following documentation: http://symfony.com/doc/current/book/doctrine.html

by Skipper developer (140k points)
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