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I just imported a symfony + doctrine project (new project, latest symfony + doctrine).

It found some entities in my code and in a symfony repository. I was just going to make a small change so i accepted the import of all entities.

I then proceeded to make some changes in my own entities (nullroute + ip). I then exported and it exported changes to the symfony code to. I had not touched the symfony entities in skipper.

Let me know if any more information is needed to reproduce.

in Solved by (120 points)
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1 Answer

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Unfortunately this isn't a bug but current Skipper behavior.

It's because during each export Skipper needs to update all entities to be sure that the whole model is exported in consistent state. There is no way how to determine if all schema files weren't updated or modified directly without Skipper as same as project can be shared between multiple users and each user can have schema files in different state.

Because of that Skipper updates all files and unfortunately including Symfony files in case these files contain ORM definition.

We have a plan to implement some way how to mark module as read-only to solve this situation, but this feature isn't as easy as it can look like because such read-only module will have to disable to create some directions of association or to extend inheritance and other operation which could imply in modifying schema files.

by Skipper developer (141k points)