0 votes

Hi all,

I have made an entity–relationship model in Skipper that I want to implement in (My)SQL. Does Skipper allow me to export it as SQL code, or I'll have to write/draw it again in MySQL Workbench? Unfortunately I think that I'll really have to do it all over again there, since I can't find an export option to do it on Skipper, so I'm just trying to confirm it.


in How To & Manuals by (210 points)

1 Answer

+1 vote


Skipper doesn't support export back to MySQL/MySQL Workbench because it's a redundant function to what ORM frameworks do.

Simply export your model to ORM definition file and let your ORM framework to generate SQL scripts for you.


by Skipper developer (140k points)

Thanks for your answer, Ludek. I'm going to use MySQL within EclipseLink JPA, but I think that currently Skipper doesn't support exporting models to this ORM definition files, am I right or wrong?


You're right. Skipper currently supports only PHP frameworks.

Can I ask why in this case you're using Skipper to import it from MySQL workbench and than export it back to MySQL, instead of defining database model directly in MySQL Workbench?

Skipper offers benefit only for frameworks which support because enable defining all ORM properties, but for non-supported framework, it's only ERD tool like MySQL Workbench for example.

Thanks for the confirmation. Indeed, I know (better, I suspected, and was almost 100% sure) that in my case Skipper would be another ERD tool. One clarification: I didn't used MySQL Workbench at all, I used Skipper directly to create the ER model. I didn't used MySQL Workbench in the first place because, as far as I know, it doesn't support inheritance, something that Skipper does. Since my ER model has inheritance, I'll have to find out a way of implement it in MySQL Workbench (or, at least, directly in MySQL).


In case you would like spend some time with XSLT coding, you can try to implement your own export scripts from Skipper XML files to desired output.

Skipper XML project file is well documented as same as helper XSLT functions. You can check our documentation here:


Ok Ludek, thanks for the information & all help! I'll take a look.