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Recently we had a few scenarios where a developer left skipper open and pulled changes from GIT,

They then forgot to restart Skipper and then made changes to the model even though the corresponding XML files were changed, resulting in conflicts to be resolved.

It would be nice if the interface could notify the user that there was an update to the file and give them the option to reload the project.

In eclipse IDE it just updates the file automatically as soon as you click on the file, in another IDE we use it prompts you "The file you were working on has changed, would you like to reload it?"

Right now we have been trying to be self disciplined and telling the team to close skipper, pull, then make their changes.

in Feature Request by Skipper developer (140k points)

I think this feature is very good idea. I have to check how to implement some kind of file watcher and if it will be possible, I think we can implement it relatively soon.

This was my feature request. Just started tracking it here

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