0 votes

As a huge advocate of Laravel, I'd like to propose that Eloquent ORM be the next supported ORM. Granted RoR's ORM support would be welcomed, as well, but with the recent surge in Laravel's success it seems like the fastest ROI is surely from supporting Eloquent.

Is this on the roadmap? A search only returned one result, from 2013, regarding which framework should be supported next but it did not say which one(s) made it to the roadmap.

I look forward to your response.


in Solved by (160 points)
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2 Answers

+1 vote
Best answer

Although Eloquent isn't supported through Skipper there is another way how to use Skipper and Laravel together.

There is 100% working implementation for Laravel + Doctrine2 ORM.


Skipper is fully compatible with this setup so you can use your favorite Laravel MVC together with great Doctrine2 ORM and Skipper as modelling tool.

PS: Thanks for this info to one of our user Gencer.

by Skipper developer (140k points)
0 votes

We have researched the possibility of adding the Laravel/Eloquent support several weeks ago. It is not yet on the road-map because as far as we know, this ORM does not use separate definition files nor annotations, therefore we will have to perform larger changes in the ORM Designer. We are open to the idea of Laravel support but we will have to investigate the question in more details first.

We are also looking for an Laravel user/developer willing to assist us with implementing the support. If you want to help us with the testing/veryfying the Laravel support in ORM Designer, it might speed up the process.

For the time being, I will add Laravel to the Roadmap thread as being researched and post all future updates there.

by Skipper developer (74.8k points)

Hi, any news regarding Laravel's Eloquent support? It's 4 years already since last comment here. Laravel is in version 5 and many changes were made since then.

Hi, you're right. It's a long time but we are still not sure if Laravel community wants it ;-).

We had few implementation requests but when we asked for some community/user support during implementation there was no interest.

In case we decided to implement it we need some users for test/helping us with implementation because we don't know Laravel at all.

Will you be able to provide us some test models including the real ones so we can see all requirements? In will you be able to do some testing/feedbacking during alfa/beta stage?

If so, please contact me directly at [email protected] for more details. Thanks!